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Industry and Commerce


1891   Jan Local Trade in 1890
1891   Mar The Coming Census.
1891   Oct Miners and their Work
1894   Jan A Disastrous Year
1910   Jul A Growing District
1913   Apr A Careless Mine Driver
1918   Jan Butchers on Strike.
1918   Jan Food Control
1919   Jan Swinton Housing Scheme
1919   Apr Some New Councillors
1920   Dec  The Glass Trade
1921   Jan Hull Coal Trade.
1921   May Strike in Seventh Week
1921   Jun Pit Pony Races.
1927   Jun Fatal Fall of Roof.
1928   Jan Lighted Streets
1928   Dec Ward & Sons (Advert)
1929   Jan Health Of West Riding.
1929   Jul The Wayzgoose
1929   Dec Rockingham Pottery
1932   Jan Casualty List of 1931
1932   Apr Swift Bridge Building
1932   May Rock House and Gardens
1932   Oct Good Old Hemp
1932   Dec Straight From the Wood
1933   Apr Councillor Arthur Carr
1937   Jun Swinton Fire
1938   Feb Swinton’s Fears
1938   Mar Swinton Conservatives
1938   Jul Work for Barges
1938   Oct Made Mayor Again.
1941   Jan Scouts’ Death.  
1941   Apr New Council Chairman.
1942   Sep Mr. Hall Speaks Out
1942   Oct Zam Buk (advert)
1942   Dec Zam-Buk (Advert)
1944   Apr Chaos in the Coalfield
1947   Apr Fourth Time Chairman
1947   Apr To Play in France
1947   Nov What’s In a Name?
1947   Nov New Stationmaster
1948   Aug G.E.C. Glamour
1949   May Your New Councillors
1949   Dec Tea Ration (Advert)
1950   Sep Swinton’s Trees
1951   Mar Breakdowns Cut Output
1951   May Weekly Coal Output
1951   Jul Bank Appointment
1951   Jul G.E.C. Sports
1951   Aug Tonnage Halved
1951   Oct G.E.C. Swimming Gala
1951   Oct Election: Who’s Who
1951   Nov Manvers Pit Fatality
1951   Dec Holiday Hangover
1957   May New Council Chairman
1958   Jun Swinton G.E.C. Sports
1959   May Election Candidates
1959   Jun The Printing Dispute
1960   Mar Candidates
1969   Feb schools speech day
1969   May Councils New Houses
1969   Sep Angling Competition.
1970   Jan
1970   May Fire at Ward & Sons
1970   May Swinton Ballet Dancer
1970   May New Fitzwilliam Estate
1970   May Election Scene ‘70
1970   Jun Path to Westminster