Home 1870 1944


Marconigrams – September 02nd, 1944

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944 Marconigrams The British Empire Medal was awarded to Corporal F. E. Hodgson of Conisbrough, of the Royal Engineers, for carrying...

Marconigrams – September 09th 1944

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944 Marconigrams Collections for the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund in the Dearne area for the month of August realised £130/11/1. Final figures...

Marconigrams – September 16th, 1944

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 16th 1944 Marconigrams Wombwell  U.D.C. have served notice to quit on one of their tenants who has not properly cultivated his garden. Major...

Marconigrams – September 30th, 1944

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944 Marconigrams Lt.-Col. H. R. Caulfield Giles, transport and traffic manager of Messrs. Newton Chambers and Co. Ltd., addressed a meeting...

Soldier – Hall, Arthur – Wounded In Italy

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944 Wounded In Italy Cpl. Arthur Hall was seriously wounded on August 27th in Italy, according to official information received by...

Airman – Drower S. – Died Of Wounds

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd, 1944 Died Of Wounds Mrs. E. Oxberry, of 79 Wentworth Road, Piccadilly, Swinton has been officially informed that her brother, Leading...

Sailor – Speight, William – Seaman Killed

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944 Seaman Killed Mr. and Mrs. W. Speight, 53, Brookfield Avenue, Swinton, were this week informed officially that their son A.B....

Sailor – Fearn, Lawrence – Letter From Monty

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd, 1944 Letter From Monty Miss Vera Fearn, “Rookwood,” Rockingham Road, Swinton, has received letters from General Montgomery and General Alexander thanking...

Editorial – How Long?

2 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944 How Long? Allied armies are now deploying on the battlefields of the last war.  Names rendered familiar by the swaying...

Editorial – Sparring For the Knock-Out

9 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944 Sparring For the Knock-Out Where the German army overran Holland, Belgium, and France in a matter of weeks the Allies...