Marconigrams – September 02nd, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944
The British Empire Medal was awarded to Corporal F. E. Hodgson of Conisbrough, of the Royal Engineers, for carrying...
Marconigrams – September 09th 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944
Collections for the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund in the Dearne area for the month of August realised £130/11/1.
Final figures...
Marconigrams – September 16th, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 16th 1944
Wombwell U.D.C. have served notice to quit on one of their tenants who has not properly cultivated his garden.
Marconigrams – September 30th, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944
Lt.-Col. H. R. Caulfield Giles, transport and traffic manager of Messrs. Newton Chambers and Co. Ltd., addressed a meeting...
Soldier – Hall, Arthur – Wounded In Italy
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944
Wounded In Italy
Cpl. Arthur Hall was seriously wounded on August 27th in Italy, according to official information received by...
Airman – Drower S. – Died Of Wounds
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd, 1944
Died Of Wounds
Mrs. E. Oxberry, of 79 Wentworth Road, Piccadilly, Swinton has been officially informed that her brother, Leading...
Sailor – Speight, William – Seaman Killed
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944
Seaman Killed
Mr. and Mrs. W. Speight, 53, Brookfield Avenue, Swinton, were this week informed officially that their son A.B....
Sailor – Fearn, Lawrence – Letter From Monty
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd, 1944
Letter From Monty
Miss Vera Fearn, “Rookwood,” Rockingham Road, Swinton, has received letters from General Montgomery and General Alexander thanking...
Editorial – How Long?
South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944
How Long?
Allied armies are now deploying on the battlefields of the last war. Names rendered familiar by the swaying...
Editorial – Sparring For the Knock-Out
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944
Sparring For the Knock-Out
Where the German army overran Holland, Belgium, and France in a matter of weeks the Allies...