Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 04 June 1921
Shocking Accident.
Roman Terrace Child Killed by Motor Lorry.
Mr. Frank Allen held an inquest at the Roman hotel, Swinton, on Saturday into the death of William Benjamin Prince(6) son of Ezekiel Prince, bricklayer’s labourer, Wath road, Swinton, who was run over and killed by a motor lorry owned by Messrs. Warwick and Richardson’s, brewers, Doncaster, near Wragby Row, on Friday.
Mr. Baddiley, solicitor, Doncaster, represented the firm.
Ezekiel Prince gave evidence of identi6cation. He last saw his boy alive on Friday, about 12.30 p.m.
Wm. Dinsmore, motor driver, of 13, Beechfield road. Doncaster, said that on Friday he was driving a heavy lorry, and when passing Wealthy How he met a dray. As he was shout to pass it a boy darted out from behind the dray in front of his machine. He had no opportunity of pulling up before he had knocked the boy down and run over him. He applied the brakes immediately, and stopped the lorry in a length. He thought he was travelling about six miles an hour and there was very little traffic on the road. He had just passed two cyclists. He said he ran over the boy with his front wheel and the rear wheel was resting on the boy’s head. He had to back the lorry before the boy could be extricated.
Edward Mason, of 17, Wragby Row, Swinton, said that he was sitting opposite Wragby Row when he noticed the lorry proceeding down the hill towards Wath. He saw the boy run from behind a dray right in bunt of the motor. The driver of the motor did well to stop the vehicle as soon as he did. The boy have been killed instantaneously. He helped to extricate the body. He thought the driver was not to blame for the accident. Witness estimated speed of the lorry at six or seven hour.
A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned, and the driver was exonerated. Mr. Baddiley, on behalf of Messrs. Warwick and Richardson and the driver, expressed regret at the accident.