Mexborough and Swinton Times, August 9, 1929
Amateur Theatre
“Shadows of Strife “
Swinton Authors Play to be produced at Birmingham
“Shadows of Strife,” the play by the working playright, Mr. John Davison,of Middleton Villas, Swinton, has been accepted by Sir Harry Jaokson, of the Birmingham Repertory Company. With the exception of performances by the Sheffield Playgoers last season the play has not been produced.
Interviewed at his home, Mr. Davison was optimistic about the success of the play ”I have written other plays, but this was my first, and the others are not quite up to its standard. The reason why London producers will not accept “Shadows of Strife” is because it is based on working life, and they are afraid it will not “take” in London.
All the managers I have submitted it to have sent me personal letters stating that the play is quite good. I submitted the play to Sir Barry in the usual way. He often tries plays out in Birmingham and then puts them on in London. Perhaps mine will go there. I hope I shall not always be coming home dirty. I know I can write plays, but when you come home from a heavy day’s work it seems impossible to settle down to write good stuff. One is too tired.
I have always had ambitions as an author, and shall carry on. Over 20 years ago I used to write short stories; not one was accepted. We shall see whether “Shadows of Strife ‘ is a ‘winner’ or not.”