Home People Obituaries Obituary – Mrs. W Hattersley – Local Solicitor’s Bereavement.

Obituary – Mrs. W Hattersley – Local Solicitor’s Bereavement.

June 1929

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 14 June 1929

Mrs. W Hattersley.

Local Solicitor’s Bereavement.

The death occurred on Tuesday at Swinton of Mrs. Catharine Mary Hattersley, wife of Mr. J. W. Hattersley, of Ashmeade Lodge, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, and of the well-known Mexborough firm of solicitors, Messrs. J. W. and A. E. Hattersley.

Mrs. Hattersley Came to Swinton a fortnight ago with Mr. J. W. Hattersley, who is deputy returning officer for the Don Valley parliamentary division and came to attend to the duties of that office at the general election on May 30th.

They have been staying with their son, Mr. Marshall Hattersley, Roseleigh, Swinton, and Mrs. Hattersley was taken seriously ill a few days before the election. The gravity of her illness was at once realised, and though she rallied for a time there was little hope of her ultimate recovery, and she died, as stated, on Tuesday.

Mrs. Hattersley was 65 years of age and a native of Cheltenham, but Mr. and Mrs. Hattersley resided for thirty years at “The Beeches,” Swinton. On Mr. Hattersley’s partial retirement they removed with their daughter to Cheltenham in 1923.

While at Swinton Mrs. Hattersley, who was greatly loved in the parish, was interested in a number of religious and social movements, and did particularly good work for the Swinton Nursing Association, which she helped to found and as long as she stayed in Swinton she gave the Association the most vigorous support. She was also an associate of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Nursing Association. She was interested, too, in higher education, and sat for a number of years on the Board of Governors of the Mexborough Secondary School as a nominee of the Swinton Urban District Council, and on the Mexborough Technical and Evening Schools Committee.

She was a member of the Church of England and an ardent and valued worker for the Swinton Parish Church, especially in connection with the Mothers’ Union.

The funeral will take place today (Friday) at Leckhampton, Cheltenham.