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Bathing In Canal – Swinton Men Fined.

August 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 23, 1929

Bathing In Canal.

Swinton Men Fined.

Three Swinton men, Thomas Bradley, 27, Arthur Hallam, 17, and Frank Hartshone, 19, were summoned at Rotherham West .Police Court on Monday for bathing in the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Canal at Swinton on July 17th, and they were tined 10s. each.

Police Sergt. Heseltine said that when he approached the defendants and asked them for an explanation, Bradley said “It has been a practice for years to bathe in the canal,’ and the others said nothing.

Albert Kirk, secretary of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Company, said there had been several complaints from Swinton, and the company had had great trouble through damage being done to the banks of the canal.

People bathed in the locks, and people congregated on the bank sides and threw stones into the water. That was also the cause of a lot of trouble.