South Yorkshire Times August 6th 1949
Acting Success
Mr Gwen Lines (22), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lines, 21, Fitzwilliam Street, Swinton, was awarded the Diploma in Acting of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, at an examination held in London last week.No,
The Diploma states, that in the opinion of the examiner, the recipient is capable of appearing in a West End London, theatre, with a professional cast.
Miss Lines holds the Gold Medals of the Academy for both Elocution and Acting. She is the professional pupil of Miss Constance Nichols, L.R.A.M. (Elocution), L.G.S.M. Hons. and British Isles Gold Medal (Elocution), A.T.S.D., and has trained solely under Miss Nichols’ direction.