The aftermath of the fire
South Yorkshire Times February 7, 1969
The aftermath of the fire 'which occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Appleton at 82, Valley...
Tidying up the gardens
South Yorkshire Times February 15, 1969
Workmen engaged on tidying up the gardens of old people's bungalows in Swinton on Monday. They are Messrs. Ernest...
A tour of the surface workings
South Yorkshire Times February 15, 1969
Susan Graham gets a front seat as she watches Mr. Eric Espley (winding engineer) at work. Susan was enjoying...
schools speech day
South Yorkshire Times February 7, 1969
The Headmaster Fit of Swinton Comprehensive School Mr. J. H Parry, B. A. (centre) Is pictured with guests at...
Undismayed, Four Heroes Entered The Bungalow ‘Jungle’
South Yorkshire Times, February 15, 1969
Undismayed, Four Heroes Entered The Bungalow 'Jungle'
Brambles to the left of them, hawthorn to the right of them. Onward,...
Swinton Pupils at Manvers
South Yorkshire Times February 15, 1969
These pupils of Swinton Comprehensive School inspect No. 3 winding room during their tour of the surface workings at...
They Guard Your Children
South Yorkshire Times February 1, 1969
They Guard Your Children
Mr. C. Willoughby, of 5, Slade Road, Swinton, the popular Lollipop man at Swinton Bridge Junior...
Police Officers Ball
South Yorkshire Times March 29, 1969
Police Officers and their wives and friends pictured at the annual Swinton Ball last Friday
Royal Humane Society’s Testimonials
South Yorkshire Times March 1, 1969
Awards For Rescue Attempt
Coun. D. Thompson, Chairman of Swinton Urban Council on Wednesday presented Royal Humane Society awards to...
Sponsored Dog
South Yorkshire Times March 1, 1969
Sponsored Dog
“Shandy," with his young mistress, Jane Wraith, of 28," Brookfield Avenue, Swinton. "Shandy" has been sponsored to earn...