September 1969
Julie Can Have Her Pony- But There’s Nowhere To Stable It.
South Yorkshire Times, September 13th
A Nine Years Old Swinton girl is heartbroken keen on horse riding, she has been promised a pony by her...
Angling Competition.
South Yorkshire Times, September 13th, 1969.
A group of anglers who took part in the Swinton council junior angling match at the Pottery Pond, Swinton,...
Social Club Dance.
South Yorkshire Times, September 27th, 1969.
Mr. C. C. Morris (General Manager), is seen fourth from the left with Mrs. Morris (third from left) and...
Leaping To It- Fashion Show.
South Yorkshire Times, September 27th, 1969.
To take part in the fashion show by Margaret (Mexborough) are Rachel Berry and Jean Lanceby. The fashion show...
Young Wives Group Fashion Show.
South Yorkshire Times, September 27th, 1969.
Senior Inspector L. G. Raine (N.S.P.C.C.) and Mr. B. O'Malley, wife of Mr. B. O'Malley. M.P. for Rotherham (third...
Taking A Keen Interest- Enrolment Evening.
South Yorkshire Times, September 27th, 1969.
Taking a keen interest in a traction engine built by Mr. Jack Straw (second from right) on show at...