Home 1870 1951


Cricket Prospects

21 April 1951
South Yorkshire Times, April 21, 1951 Cricket Prospects Hickleton secretary Harry Goldthorpe tells me  that they will begin the new season with pretty much the same...

It’s Wastepaper Now …

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951 It’s wastepaper now… Wednesday’s picture shows fireman at work on Swinton U.D.C. salvage depot in Station street, doing a...

Not a Request Stop

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951 Not a Request Stop Three people were treated for injuries in Mexborough Montagu Hospital as a result of this mishap...

Mexborough & Swinton Co-operative Guild 21st Birthday

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times May 5, 1951 Mrs. A. Taylor (President) cuts the cake at the 21st birthday of Mexborough and Swinton Co-operative Guild in Mexborough...

Weekly Coal Output

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951 Coal Output Output losses due to stoppages at three pits in No. 3 Area of the North-Eastern Divisional Coal Board...

Fourteen Candidates – Who’s Who in Council Contests

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 5th, 1951 Fourteen Candidates Who's Who in To-morrow's Council Contests Fourteen candidates will go to the poll to-morrow (Saturday) in the 11 Urban...

Fourteen Candidates in Council Contests

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 5th, 1951

Labour. Triumphs – Six Seats—and Nearly a Seventh—in Council Fights

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 12th 1951 Labour. Triumphs Six Seats—and Nearly a Seventh—in Council Fights Labour had cause for satisfaction in the Urban Council elections at Mexborough,...

Cinema – Roxy – Riders of the Whistling Pines (video)

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 26th 1951 From You Tube:

Piccadilly Sports

May 1951
South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951 Piccadilly youngsters on their way to the tape in one of Whit Monday's events on Piccadilly sports ground where...