Home 1949 July 1949

July 1949

British Legion Rally

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 2, 1949 On parade at the County British Legion rally In Doncaster on Saturday, standard bearers from Swinton, Conisbrough and Ravenfield...

Nursing Success

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 30, 1949 Nursing Success Miss Gwendolyn Flinton, only daughter of Mr and Mrs H.R. Flinton, 38 Manor Rd, Swinton, has passed the...

Wedding – Cooper & Thomas – Cubs form Guard of Honour

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 23, 1949 Two assistant Cub-masters of the 2nd Don and Dearne (Swinton) pack were married on Saturday at Swinton Parish Church,...

Wedding – Hobson & Searle

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 30, 1949 Mr. H. W. Searle (Mexborough ) and Miss B. Hobson (Swinton). A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Margaret's Church,...

Returning to Germany

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 2, 1949 Bidding farewell to members of Mexborough Youth Centre on Saturday was 14-years-old Eva Kaun, when she left for her...

Queen’s Foundry Sports

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 2 July 1949

Queen’s Foundry Tug-of-War Team

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 2, 1949 Good Anchorage was assured for this Queen's Foundry Tug-of-war team at Saturday’s Foundry Sports day.

On Area Gas Council – Honour for Swinton Councillor

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 9 July 1949 On Area Gas Council Honour for Swinton Councillor County Coun. Maurice Creighton, of Station Street, Swinton, has been invited...

Cinema – Roxy – Body and Soul

July 1949
South Yorkshire Times July 30, 1949

Swinton Vicarage Garden Party

July 1949
South Yorkshire  Times, July 16, 1949 “Holiday Express” – a sideshow which had special attraction for small boys at Swinton Vicarage garden party on Saturday.