Marconigrams – October 14th, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 14th 1944
Full details of the extremely serious effect the present low coal output will have on military operations, and at...
Marconigrams – October 21st, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944
Lieut-Col. H. S. Walker of Tankersley has been awarded the Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ certificate...
Marconigrams – October 7th, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 7th 1944
Final returns show that the schools of the country which set themselves a £10,000,00 Salute the Solider target, raised...
Marconigrams, October 28th, 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 28th 1944
Wath Main Colliery Co. have declared an interim dividend of 3%.
In order to obtain funds for recreational and social...
Airman – Archer J.W. – R.A.F. Sergeant Missing
South Yorkshire Times, October 28th 1944
R.A.F. Sergeant Missing
Here is a photograph of Sgt. J. W. Archer (19), youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E....
“Desert Rat” Home
South Yorkshire Times, October 7th 1944
“Desert Rat” Home
Dvr. D. C. Elliott, 6, Crossland Street, Swinton, has arrived home after serving in the Army for...
Airman – Bennett, Norman Richard – Courage
South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944
The Distinguished Flying Medal has been awarded to Flight-Sergeant Norman Richard Bennett, R.A.F.V.R. only son of Mr. A. Bennett,...
Soldiers – Denton, William & Alfred
South Yorkshire Times, October 7th 1944
Swinton Brothers
A/c1 William Denton (19), fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Denton, Plant Row, White Lee Road, Swinton,...
Soldiers – Hirst Brothers – Brothers Met In Holland
South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944
Brothers Met In Holland
Two Swinton brothers, L/Bdr. James Sidney Hirst (29), R.A. and Spr. H. Hirst (26) R.E. serving...
Editorial – A Winter Campaign?
South Yorkshire Times, October 7th 1944
A Winter Campaign?
With Christmas less than three months away and the Germans still hanging on grimly to their frontier...