Home 1870 1918


Swinton Canal Suicides

December 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 03 December 1918 At an inquest was held on Gertrude Jowett (22), 6, Prince Street, Swinton, munition worker, whose body...

“The Diamond Gang.”

December 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Tuesday 31 December 1918 “The Diamond Gang.” At the Rotherham West Riding Court, yesterday, assault by two members of the “Diamond...

Soldier – Chappell H.H.– Killed

December 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times December 14, 1918 Lance Corporal Harold Hodfield Chappell King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Swinton - Killed From C.W.G.C.: Lance Corporal CHAPPELL, H H Service Number 58955 Died 08/11/1918 1st...

Soldier – Allott J.– Military Medal

December 1918
Mexborough and Swinton Times December 28, 1918 Driver J Allott Army Service Corps Swinton – Military Medal

Soldier – Sutton, Walter –“Black Hole of Lille.”

December 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Friday 06 December 1918 “Black Hole of Lille.” Private Walter Sutton, S.W.B., Queen Street, Swinton, who was captured last spring, has...

When Zeppelins Came

December 1918
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 04 December 1918 When Zeppelins Came The Mexborough district was subjected to a severe aerial attack on the night of September...