Home People Residents Then And Now.

Then And Now.

24 May 1969

South Yorkshire Times, May 24th, 1969.

 Then And Now.    

Twelve and  a half years certainly sees a lot of changes between a girl and boy as the accompanying photographs show.

Peter Cawthorne, only son of Mr and Mrs P Cawthorne, of 46 Rookery Road, Swinton, and his cousin Lynne Mitchell of 3 Reader Crescent, Swinton, now both aged 15, were quite unconcerned at the”click” of the camera 12 and a half years ago, but when asked for our photographer this week, they bashfully refused – but they did give us this pleasant picture.

The couple have grown up together and have been like brother and sister. They are both pupils at Swinton Comprehensive School.