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The New Hospital at Mexborough.

May 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 30 May 1902

The New Hospital at Mexborough.

It will be within the recollection of many of our readers that at the annual meeting of the Montagu Cottage Hospital, held on February 17th last, it was unanimously decided that steps be taken to erect a up-to-date hospital on a site in Adwick road, and a building committee, of Colonel the Hon. H. Lindley Wood, Dr. E English, Dr. S. 0. Hatherley, Dr. F. O. Twigg, Mr. J. H. Watson, C.C.. Mr. W. R. Hudson, Mr. C. Taylor, MT. H. E Liversidge, Mr. C. Schofield, and Mr. J. Dixon was appointed.

Little has been heard of the doings of this committee, but it in evident that it has not been inactive since the meeting, from the fact that specifications have been drawn up, and advertisements issued for the new hospital, and in reply to the advertisements no fewer than 163 applications for tracings of the site and particulars of competition, have been received from architects residing in all parts of the country. The plans have been very carefully considered by the committee who were authorised to offer premiums for the first and second best plan sent in; and we understand that they have unanimously made their awards.

The adjourned annual meeting is called to-morrow (Saturday) evening and promises not only to be interesting but also a most important gathering, as it is then that the building committee will submit to the meeting the plans for the new hospital with their recommendations for confirmation or rejection. We think that there is little doubt that the meeting will accept the findings of the committee, who have given no much time and exercised such great care in the selections and under Mr. J. H. Watson’s presidency.

The Montagu family are also taking a deep and warm interest in the work, and Colonel the Hon. H. Lindley Wood on Friday came down from London especially to attend a meeting of the building committee, of which he is a member. A full statement of all that has been done by the committee may be expected on Saturday evening.