Home People Residents Swinton Soldier Feared Drowned

Swinton Soldier Feared Drowned

June 1957

South Yorkshire Times June 22, 1957

Swinton Soldier Feared Drowned

A Swinton soldier, Pte. Stephen Paul Nuttall (19), 4, Crossland Street, was on Wednesday reported missing, believed drowned, after going for a swim in a lake near Aldershot.

Pte. Nuttall, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nuttall, was serving a three year engagement with the R.A.S.C.. at the No. 2. Training Battalion, Aldershot. He enlisted in February this year.
Mrs. Nuttall was advised on Wednesday by Swinton Police that her son and a friend had apparently gone swimming in the lake. It is understood that Pte. Nuttall got into difficulties and dis¬appeared before his friend could reach him.

Frogmen search¬ed for the body but yesterday It had not been re¬covered.

Pte. Nuttall attended Denaby St. Alban’s R.C. School and at Sheffield De La Salle School.

On leaving school he worked as a journalist for the “Rotherham Express ” and later as a salesman at Doncaster. A good pianist, Pte. Nuttall was keenly interested in jazz, and played at several jazz clubs in the Rotherham area.