Home People Residents Swinton Mystery.- Woman Missing Since Christmas Eve

Swinton Mystery.- Woman Missing Since Christmas Eve

January 1913

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 11 January 1913

A Swinton Mystery.

Woman Missing Since Christmas Eve

A Dispute

The Swinton police have been notified of the disappearance, in particularly mysterious circumstances, of a married woman, aged 41, named Jane Storey, wife of Frederick Storey, a signalman residing at 21, Wath Road, Roman Terrace, Swinton.

On Christmas Eve she had a dispute with some members of her family over the correction of a child, and she subsequently disappeared, nothing having been seen or heard of her since. She is described as being 5ft. 4in. in height, of thin build, with blue eyes and dark hair, which is turning grey.

When she left home she was wearing a mingled striped costume and white straw hat, trimmed with black and white ribbon, and she took a quantity of clothing with her. She may have in her possession between £4 and £10.

The missing woman has relatives at Selby, Newcastle and Crowle and her husband has made exhaustive inquiries, but up to the present no trace of her has being found. Mr. Storey, however, has no reason to think that his wife has done away with herself, though he be admits that she had been rather strange in her manner of lets, and would get into temper at the slightest provocation.

He had never heard her threaten to commit suicide, and they had lived very happily together. The Swinton police and her relatives are anxious to hear news concerning her safety.