Home Crime Violence Stationmaster Assaulted

Stationmaster Assaulted

February 1909

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 13, 1909

Stationmaster Assaulted

Ellis Robinson, labourer of Swinton was summoned for assaulting Charles Peters Richards, the stationmaster at Conisbrough on January 8.

Mr A Hall prosecuted, Mr W Baddeley defended.

Complainant said he was collecting tickets on the 4.30 train and found defendant in a first class compartment. Defendant was fast asleep and witness had difficulty in rowsing him. Witness asked for his ticket, and defendant then commenced to push him.

Witness could make nothing of what he said and as the train was been delayed he asked the porter to remove the defendant from the trade. On getting onto the platform defendant struck him and witness had to hold his hands. They induced him to calm down and go into the waiting room. Witness asked defendant for his ticket, and the defendant then became very excited, and struck him several times, dealing him a violent blow in the mouth. Two porters pulled the defendant away and prevented any further assault. The defendant would not give any name and witness had to send for a constable. The defendant was evident the recovering from the effects of drink at the time.

A few days later the defendant came to see witness, and asked to “square” the matter by a compensatory payment.

Cross examined: When witness roused defendant and asked him where he was going he did not say anything but muttered something. When witness asked the man for his ticket he commenced pushing witness about. Then a porter came up, and the man was forcibly removed from carriage. They “walked” into the waiting room. When the constable arrived defendant produced his ticket, and gave his name and address. The constable said defendant was worse for drink but that he was not quite drunk enough to be locked up.

Joseph Scholes and William James, ported at Conisbrough Station, corroborated.

Mr Baddeley did not deny the assault.  He said he would not say that defendant had justification, but defendant alleged that he received provocation at the hands of the stationmaster. Defendant had been out that day looking for work He was asleep in the train at Conisboro’.On being woke up he said he was going to Mexboro’, but he was forcibly pulled out of the .carriage and pushed into the waiting-room. Then defendant lost his temper and struck Mr. Richards.

Defendant, sworn, said that on the morning of January 8th he was at Sheffield. He afterwards, spent the day in looking for work as he was out of employment. There was not the slightest ground for suggesting that he was the worse for drink. He fell asleep in the carriage, and was woke up at Conisboro’. He said he was going to Mexboro’, and the stationmaster then took him by the shoulder and pushed him out of the carriage. He could not find his ticket, so they shoved  him into the waiting-room and pulled his coat off. Then he lost his temper, and struck complainant at the mouth. He was never asked for his name and address until the arrival of the police-constable, to whom he gave the particulars.

The police-officer said he would have locked defendant up if he had not been sober. Witness had had no drink that day.

The Chairman said they did not think the stationmaster used more force than was necessary, an4 there was no excuse for this assault. As there was no previous, conviction against defendant they would fine him 20s and costs, instead of sending him to gaol.