Home Events Soldier – Oldfield – Sergeant Major – Military Medalist

Soldier – Oldfield – Sergeant Major – Military Medalist

September 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 16 and 23, 1916

Military Medalist

Company Sergeant Major Oldfield
(York and Lancs)

of 30 Oxford Street, Roman Terrace, Swinton, has been awarded the Military Medal for good work in the field on 1 July, the opening day of the present offensive.

He himself was slightly wounded, but not sufficiently to interfere with his duties.

Cool Bravery
How a military Medal was won

the following is the official account of the exploits which company Sergeant Major George Oldfield, 30 Oxford Street, Roman Terrace, Swinton, received as reported in our last issue, the Military Medal:

“Near Ovillers on July 1916.
For gallantry and devotion to duty.

All the senior officers became casualties before the company reached our own frontline. Here he showed great bravery and coolness in getting the men into position for the assault, and when the time came to advance led the men with dash and determination.

Later, when the Battalion was relieved, he moved along the whole battalion front collecting men or sending them down to the rendezvous in parties.

While so engaged he was wounded in the face, but continued to do his duty to the last.

This NCO gave a splendid example to his men, and was of every possible assistance to his remaining officer.”