Home Events Sailor – Hough E. – A Swinton Petty Officer

Sailor – Hough E. – A Swinton Petty Officer

June 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 17, 1916


A Swinton Petty Officer
Chief Stoker E. Hough

Chief Stoker Ernest Hough, 53 Rowms Lane, Swinton, has been at home on leave.

He belongs to HMS Phaeton, a light cruiser, which recently destroyed a Zeppelin, and more recently was engaged in a naval battle. He formed part of Sir David Beattieā€™s battle cruiser squadron, and was one of the first ships to engage the enemy, the vessel coming through the battle almost scatheless.

After the action, he said, the sea was littered with dead bodies and fish.

Petty Officer Hough has served 23 years with the Navy, and is a married man, his wife residing at Jarrow. His mother lives at 35 Rowms Lane, Swinton.

He is an enthusiastic photographer, and has a wonderful collection of photographs taken in all parts of the world.