South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 07 February 1942
Pantomime – “The Sleeping Beauty”
The pantomime “The Sleeping Beauty,” has been given by pupils of Miss Dorothea Allen, by whom It was written and produced, in aid of the Swinton Tank Fund, at the Congregational Schoolroom, Swinton, this week.
One of the “stars” is the Grand Vizier, Jack Smith, while Vivien Parnham as the Sleeping Beauty has a sweet voice and charming grace. Barbara Skelton who portrays Prince Florio and Blackabogle (the wicked fairy), shows more acting ability in the former role.
King Pepin and Queen Pepita, the very human royal pair, are well portrayed by Kenneth Hobson and Trudy Holroyd, with M. Storr, M. Bowen. M. Dyson and E. Tucker as maids of honour.
Marjorie Clemitshaw is cast as the Fairy Queen, and her retinue is M. Bowen (Dandini), M. Storr, M. Dyson, J. Oxley (also the Herald), E. Tucker, I. Worrell, B. Bates and H. Lawrence.
Others taking part are Olive Fieldhouse, Mary Seddons, Clive Prince, Millicent Barlow, and Ida Bell, with a hearty-voiced chorus consisting of R. Chesters. M. McCall. B. Fieldhouse. I. Clarke. I. Bell, V. Harrison, M. Barlow, M. Seddons, M. Bowen, H. Lawrence, J. Oxley, B. Bates. I. Worrell, M. Blom M. Dyson, E. Tucker. H Moxon and J. Heals.
The pianist. Ronald Chesters, merits praise, as he is only 12 ½ . Apart from Olive Fieldhouse, not one of the east, who made their own numerous costumes is over 17. The lighting and effects manager, Henry Moxon, and scene shifters Mr. Tucker and Mr. Fletcher, do well. The hall was packed for the first performance on Wednesday, and if the box office rush continues, the pantomime will probably be given again on Monday.