Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 31 July 1918
Witness Censured
Painful Inquest Story of a Woman Munitioner’s Death.
A sensational turn was given to inquest held yesterday Ada Humphries (26) munition worker, Fitzwilliam street, Swinton, whose husband is believed killed in action in France.
She threw herself into the canal at near the steel works where she was employed.
Albert Featherrtone, 126. Greasbro’ road, Rotherham, said he was a discharged soldier now employed at a steel works. His wife left him some time ago and he had visited deceased, but had received no money or jewellery from her and had had no improper relations with her.
P.-c Headland said he found at deceased’s home three letters.
The Coroner read passages from these, and one, written by deceased wife, stated;
“I have been your husband’s plaything for some time back …. Your husband has robbed me in all respects …. He has brought me to this sad end.
The Coroner said the letters could not supported by evidence- and Featherstone denied most of what was in them.
The jury returned a verdict of while unsound mind, and asked that Featherstone should be reprimanded.
The Coroner said there was in his mind that Featherstone was morally responsible for this young woman end. He had obviously live to the jury, and he would out the room knowing that he had incurred moral responsibility for an unfortunate fellow creature death.