Mexborough & Swinton Times, November 20, 1931
Obituary – Mr. Sidney Montague Hatherley,
The death occurred at Swinton or. Wednesday after a lingering illness of Mr. Sidney Montague Hatherley, only son of Dr. and Mrs. S. O. Hatherley, of Cliff Field House, Swinton.
Mr. Hatherley, who was 27 years old, was educated at Mr Stephen Pettit’s Preparatory School at Buxton and Repton Public School.
For the first year or so on leaving school he went to an uncle in Canada to learn farming, but afterwards returned to Swinton and was articled to Manvers Main Collieries. Ltd.. to study mining engineering.
About 18 months ago, however, he returned to Canada and took up farming in Alberta. It was there that be contracted a mysterious gland disease and entered a hospital in Edmonton. He underwent an operation and appeared to regain health after special treatment.
Unfortunately his recovery was not complete and he had to be brought to his father’s home. While at Manvere Main. Mr. Hatherley became popular throughout the district, his cheerful and charming personality attracting a large circle of friends, who will be sorry to learn of his untimely death.
Mr. Hatherley’s body is to cremated at Sheffield to-morrow (Saturday) morning following a funeral service conducted by the Vicar of Swinton (the Rev. T. G. Rogers).