Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – December 30th, 1911

Marconigrams – December 30th, 1911

December 1911

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 30 December 1911


The annual ball of the Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Club will be held on Wednesday night.

The Badsworth hunt met at Hickleton Hall on Thursday, and a capital day’s sport was provided

There is to be a meet at Swinton racecourse on New Year’s Day, at 10.30 in the morning.

Two Mexborough gentlemen drove to Wentworth on Tuesday, to see the meet, and were so smitten with the sporting spirit that they tried to waylay rabbits on the homeward journey.

Mr Thomas Haigh, painter and decorator, of Mexborough, who died suddenly in the Sheffield Infirmary on Wednesday, was probably the oldest bandsman in the district.

Music was his only hobby, and among his 12 surviving children are some capable exponents of it.

The Manvers Main officials and workmen distributed £125 8s 6d last Thursday, to 86 old and infirm workmen.

This been a remarkable Christmas for the consumption of poultry. There is scarcely a cackle to be heard in the land.

A local Derby will be played on Saturday between the Mexborough and Swinton Hockey teams on the Mexborough ground.

The building trade has slackened very considerably in Mexborough during the last month, but a revival is looked for in the New Year.

Brother James Theaker, a Wombwell Druid, was presented with a compensation grant of £50 last Saturday, from the local branch of Druids.

The Rev. C Anderson treat to Mexborough poor children will take place on Friday evening at 5 o’clock, in the Congregational schoolroom.

A unique service was conducted at Swinton Church on Sunday morning, when the Rev. T.G. Rogers, Curate of Swinton, was ordained priest by the Bishop of Sheffield.

More extra ordinary coal mining was done at Hickleton Main last week, where output records have been broken automatically. This colliery has enjoyed a remarkable year.

Mr T.W. Casey, of Mexborough, made some stringent remarks at a Swinton meeting on Saturday, concerning the attitude of the medical fraternity towards the Insurance Bill.

Doctor JM Lawl, M.B.(Edin), of Goldthorpe has published a booklet form an essay, entitled “Man’s Place in the nation.” We hope to give a review of this in our next issue.

Miss Montagu, the Health Visitor of Mexborough, who commences a duty on Monday, will reside at the park Hotel, Mexborough, until her house in Park Road is ready for occupation.

We understand that the condition of Mrs Cliff, wife of Councillor J.E.Cliff of Mexborough gives rise to considerable anxiety. She is at present at the Royal Hospital Sheffield suffering acutely from neuritus.

Mr Gawthorpe, headmaster of the Fence Council School, has been appointed headmaster of the Garden Street School, Mexborough vice Mr Sykes, will be headmaster of the new Adwick Road School.

Mr J.E. Harper, who sang at the musical service at Mexborough Congregational Church on Sunday evening, was the special soloist in the afternoon of the same day at Wombwell Congregational P.S.A., and sang with great acceptance.

The new school at Mexborough, which is to be opened next Thursday, is the first elementary school in the district to provide facilities for technical education. There is a special subject block, which the girls will be instructed in cookery and laundry work, and the boys will be given manual instruction.