Sheffield Independent – Monday 07 November 1927
Father’s Complaint at Inquest on Son.
That the bad state of the road on hill of Wentworth road running into Kilnhurst was the cause of fatal accident, in which a hoy aged 16 was the victim, was the complaint of the father at an inquest Saturday, at Mexborough.
“I think the reason for this accident was nothing but the state of the road,” said the father. “The footpath for about 90 yards is no footpath at all, it is nothing but rubble from a tip close by. Only the other week a man sustained a fractured skull accident in an accident on this road.’
The inquest was on George Douglas Dunstan, street lamp inspector, of 30 Dodsworth St, Mexboroagh who on 31st October was found in the middle of the road half-way down the bill, his bicycle being two or three yards away.
The jury returned verdict of “accidental death.” and in reply to the father ‘s complaint the Coroner asked the police to make enquiries into the state of the road, and there was any need for the tension to draw it to the notice the Swinton Urban Council, in whose area the road is.