Home Industry and Commerce Council & Government Colleagues Tributes – Swinton Presentation to Mr J Jagger

Colleagues Tributes – Swinton Presentation to Mr J Jagger

June 1951

South Yorkshire Times, June 16th, 1951

Colleagues Tributes

Swinton Presentation to Mr J Jagger

To mark his retirement after 22 years service with Swinton Ever Council, Mr John (“Jack”) Jagger, of The All, Fitzwilliam St, Swinton, was on Friday at the Council offices presented with an eight-day chiming clock by Mr E Adams, sanitary Inspector, on behalf of his colleagues.

Presenting the clerk, Mr Adams referred to Mr Jagger’s staunch service, and so, too, did the other speakers, Mr H Goodwin (Surveyor) and Mr A McLean (Clerk).

In reply Mr Jagger said thanked his colleagues and staff for their gift said he appreciated very much. He had enjoyed working with his colleagues

A well known public figure in Swinton for many years, Mr Jagger has always been to the forefront in organising charitable activities. He has recently diverted his activities to the welfare of the old people at Piccadilly and is chairman of the “High House” Old Folk’s Treat Fund. As a steelworkers at Kilnhurst he was the youngest ever secretary of Swinton Independent Labour Party and served on a large number of committees.

After the first world war Mr Jagger achieved astonishing results as secretary of the Unemployed Appeals Committee, and over £790 was raised for this fund.

In 1920 Mr Jagger was elected a member of Swinton Urban Council, a position he held for two years, until he was defeated by two votes in the 1922 elections. The following year Mr Jagger was returned in the Bridge Ward and was a member of the Council until 1929 when he resigned to take up duties as rent collector with the Council.

During the first world war he served in the R.A.S.C„ and has always fought hard for the ex Serviceman. He was founder of Swinton British Legion and was also secretary of the United Service’s Fund.

He is at present representative in Swinton of the Red Cross Society, a position he has held for over 30 years. He is also chairman of Piccadilly Children’s Sport Committee and work enthusiastically to organise the recent successful sports.