South Yorkshire Times August 14, 1948
BBC Singer – Dawn Starr – Margarita
Since May 1945, Miss Marjorie Clemitshaw, of 285 Queen St, Swinton has been singing on the stage throughout the country as “Dawn Starr and locally as Margarita. The owner of the fine soprano voice she has now learned that she has passed an audition with the BBC and that she is now classed as a BBC singer
So Swinton will soon be losing Marjorie as, just as soon she is demobilised from the W.A.A.F., probably in September, she intends to go on the air. While still attending Mexborough Grammar School, where she won a School Certificate, she began having her voice trained and passed several examinations of the London College of Music.
She entertained the Forces during the war and it was while she was singing at a troop concert at Bradford that she was heard by a theatrical agent, Mr. Eric Martin, who offered her a part in his show at Morcambe. Her stage career began there and then and she went on to sing in variety alongside such celebrities as Peter Bernard, Harold Walden and Walter Midgley.
She played in view in in Tom E Broadleys “Target for Tomorrow”, Ernestd Binn’s “New Brighton Follies” and W.H. Lester’s “Good Companions”.
She will be singing at a celebrity concert with Walter Midgley at Sheffield shortly.
Miss Clemitshaw who is 21, is the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Clemitshaw.