South Yorkshire Times, December 23, 1932
Alleged Threats
Swinton Case Dismissed
Charles Williams, insurance agent, Station Street, Swinton, was summoned by Mary Elisabeth Whitehead, 22 Slade Road, Swinton, at Rotherham on Monday for threats against her on November 29th. The case was dismissed.
Mr. L. H. Brittain appeared for complainant, and Mr. A. H. Jackson represented Williams.
Mr. Brittain said that as a result of certain trouble about insurance Williams came to see Mrs. Whitehead on November 29th. He came into the house and refused to go when Mrs. Whitehead asked him to do so. He turned round and locked the door. He then threatened her, and said he would make her swallow the key of the door. He threatened to get her husband the “sack,” and to wipe the floor with both of them.
Mrs. Whitehead gave evidence in support.
Williams, in court, denied that he issued any threats. He admitted that he became a little excited. He had been insulted on several occasions when he called at the house.
Mr. J. B. Colton Fox (Chairman of the Bench) said they thought that Mrs. Whitehead was not in any danger and the summons would be dismissed.