South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944
The Distinguished Flying Medal has been awarded to Flight-Sergeant Norman Richard Bennett, R.A.F.V.R. only son of Mr. A. Bennett, manager of Swinton Common grocery branch of the Barnsley British Co-operative Society, Rockingham Road, and Mrs. Bennett.
The citation states “By his resolution and courage Flight-Sergeant has made a fine contribution to the many successes achieved by his crew. On several of his sorties he has encountered difficulties such as engine failures as well as many hazards and dangers. While on a mine-laying sortie on one occasion his aircraft was attacked by a Messerschmidt coolly continued to perform his duties. His determination and courage have always been outstanding.”
Flight-Sergeant Bennett, who is 22, joined the R.A.F. three years ago to undergo training as a wireless operator. He has been on operational duty since January, having completed 34 operational sorties against targets, including Berlin, Magdeburg, Essen and Dusseldorf. At present he is instructing air crews.
Educated at Swinton Fitzwilliam School he was, until entering the R.A.F., an assistant in the shop managed by his father. On Septembe 18th he married Miss Jean Palmer third daughter of Coun. and Mrs. G. Palmer, 28, Toll Bar Road, Swinton and has this week spent a short leave at home. His sister Pte. Eileen Bennett is serving in the A.T.S, as a teleprinter operator.