South Yorkshire Times May 10, 1947
6000 Miles Away In USA
Former Swintonian Will Greet Liverpool Fiancé In New York
On June 10 Miss Agnes Allan, of Stanley, Liverpool, will leave Southampton in the Mauritania. Almost 6,000 miles away in California Mr Harry Shaw, an old Swintonian, will set out across America
They will meet New York; later they plan to be married.
For the past fortnight in Swinton, Miss Allan has been spending a holiday with her fiancé’s sister, Mrs S Prew, 54 Charles St.
She met Mr Shaw, Mrs Poole’s youngest brother in an American bound liner during the Christmas of 1925. Since then they have seen each other only occasionally but have corresponded regularly. Miss Allan had paid frequent visits to Swinton.
Mrs Prew and her brother Mr Bert Shaw, 119 Sandymount Rd, Wath on Dearne, are the only two of a family of 7 to remain in this country. Two of the family had died; three in the States, Harry, Frank, Mrs Drew’s eldest brother, and Mrs R Agnew, a sister. Frank is in Santa Cruz, California; Mrs Agnew is El Cerito.
Their mother, Mrs Emily Shaw, who with her husband Ebenezer, lived at 54 Charles St, the house in which Mrs Prew was born and now lives, made a trip to the States on her 63rd birthday. She died three years ago.
Final wedding arrangements will be made when Miss Allan and Mr Shaw meet in New York.
“My brother says he wishes we were all going with her,” Mrs Prew told a “South Yorkshire times” reporter this week.