South Yorkshire Times August 28 1948
Goldthorpe to Guernsey
All the way from Guernsey to Goldthorpe for a holiday just to show their appreciation and gratitude for what was done for them during their evacuation from the Channel Isles, during the war.
The family of Mr and Mrs Mudge have again expressed their heartfelt thanks to the people of Goldthorpe for their goodwill. To do this was one of the reasons why Mr and Mrs Mudge, of the Channel Isles, with their two sons and four daughters, have made the return trip.
They are staying with Mrs Woods ward, of 125, High Street, their wartime home. Mr Mudge was unfortunately left behind during the evacuation and had a rough time during the occupation by the Germans. He has only been to Goldthorpe once before and that was 22 years ago and then only for one day. Mrs Mudge is a native of Parkgate.
The children are all Guernsey born and now range from 11 years to 18. The eldest, Barbara (extreme right in picture) proved a very capable shop assistant for Coun. G. B. Salisbury during the war years.
Mrs Mudge says they had a very nice crossing on their way over, and are looking forward to seeing as many old friends as they possibly can during their stay.