Home People Obituaries Ex-District Gas Manager – Sudden Death at Swinton

Ex-District Gas Manager – Sudden Death at Swinton

August 1957

South Yorkshire Times August 10, 1957

Ex-District Gas Manager

Sudden Death at Swinton

His many friends were deeply shocked to learn of the sudden death on Sunday, only a few days after his retirement as district Manager of the East Midland Gas Board, of Mr. Frederick T.Hatswell (65) of 68, Rig Drive, Swinton. He leaves a widow and daughter, Miss Dorothy Hatswell.

Mr. Hatswell, who had been District Manager snice July, 1951, was formerly manager of Wombwell Gas Works, and in his earlier days trained in the coke oven Industry at Mitchell Main Chemical Plant, under the s late Mr. H, A, Morfey, whom he served as Chief Chemist and Assistant Manager, ultimately succeeding him as manager of the Plant in 1923.

He held this Position until 1934, when he took over an executive position with the Indian Iron and Steel Company at Burnpur, where he remained until 1938.