South Yorkshire Times January 17, 1948
His Gift is an Ox!
Now on its way from New Zealand to Swinton
A former Swintonian, 80 years old Mr W Parkinson, Victoria Street, Auckland, New Zealand, has made unusual gift to the aged and disabled people Swinton, that of an ox carcass, and has appointed County Councillor M Creighton (chairman of Swinton UDC) as apportioner.
Old Students RememberedÂ
Before going to New Zealand Mr Parkinson, was apprenticed so Mr Charles Bower builder and joiner,of Swinton, who was father-in-law and grandfather of Mr B C Bowers (clerk to Swinton U D C.)
Mr. Parkinson’s mother founded the only public school in Crossland Street, Swinton, and part of the ox-carcass is to go to pupils who were at the the time his mother was alive
Writing to the Coun. Creighton Mr. Parkinson stated that he was once again appointing Coun Creighton as apportioner of his gift The last time Coun. Creighton was appointed in that capacity was several months ago, when Mr Parkinson sent gifts of food parcels old pupils of his mother’s school
Upon receiving this letter Coun Creighton immediately got in touch with New Zealand House, London who advised him to seek the advice of the Ministry of Food Overseas Gift Allocation Centre
Coun Creighton visited the Centre and received their approval, but he was told that he would have to get an import licence, which was eventually granted by the Board of Trade,
On Its Way
A further letter from Mr. Parkinson received by Coun. Creighton Saturday, January 3rd, stated that the gift had left New Zealand in the S.S. “Corinthian” and would arrive in England either late in January or early in February
Coun Creighton has received the names of disabled people from Swinton branch of the British Legion, and further arrangements have been made by Swinton U D C for the aged people
When the bullock reaches Swinton it will be cut up and distributed from the shop of M. H Wagstaff, Station Street, who has given his services voluntarily for that occasion.