Home People Children Message in a Bottle Returned

Message in a Bottle Returned

February 1967

South Yorkshire Times, February 11, 1967

On holiday at Flamborough, in August, Tommy Connelly wrote a note and put it into a bottle, telling anyone finding it that he or she would receive a one shilling (5p) postal order if they contacted him.

Now, six months later, Tommy (11), of “Sandown,” Highcliffe Drive, Swinton, has a letter from Jytte Madsen, of Agger, Thy, Denmark, who says,

“I have found your message in the bottle thrown into the sea. I am 16 year old and live in Agger with my family.”

In his reply Tommy has said, “! was thrilled when I knew someone had found the message. I hope we can make further communication.”

Tommy is the eldest son of well-known Swinton bookmaker Mr Tom Connelly, and of Mrs Elizabeth Connelly.,