Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – December 02nd 1944

Marconigrams – December 02nd 1944

December 1944

South Yorkshire Times, December 2nd 1944


The Mining Association of Great Britain is to appoint a Director of Recruitment, Training and Education, at a salary of around £2,000 a year.

Lady Juliet Fitzwilliam, nine-year-old daughter of Earl and Countess Fitzwilliam, made her first speech in public when she opened the old Bramptonians’ Association War Comforts Fund bazaar at Brampton Ellis Junior School on Saturday.

Every unit of the Home Guard in Britain and Northern Ireland will be represented in a ceremonial parade of the Home Guard in London on Sunday. The total number taking part will be about 7,000 and they will march six abreast. Music will be provided by the Irish Guards Band and 11 Home Guard bands.

There are vacancies at the Montagu Hospital at Mexborough, for suitable girls who wish to take up nursing, to join the Hospital Training School.

County Councillor A. Fouchard, of Bolton, has undergone a minor operation in the Montagu Hospital, Mexborough, and we are pleased to report that he is making a good recovery.

Mr. A.W. Youngs, Secretary- Superintendent of the Montagu Hospital, Mexborough, on Tuesday, addressed the Worksop Rotary Club, on the subject of the Government’s White Paper on the Health Service.

The President (Rotarian M. W. Medcalf), Vice-President (Rotarian G. L. Jones) and Secretary (Rotarian C. Mason), of Mexborough Rotary Club, were visitors at Rotherham Rotary Club’s luncheon on Wednesday.

Three German prisoners, all warrant officers, belonging to each of the three services were recaptured by a Policeman at High Green, near Sheffield, early on Sunday.  He challenged them, took them to his home, and held them there for 1½ hours until the motor patrol arrived.  They were then taken to Sheffield.