South Yorkshire Times, August 12th 1944
Over £700 Raised at Swinton Garden Party
People in Swinton and Mexborough areas seeking holiday amusement at home flocked to Milton House, Swinton, on Monday, where Swinton War Welfare Fund’s annual garden party and gala proved a big attraction. The grounds of Milton House, lent by Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baker, formed an admirable setting. Throughout the afternoon crowds patronised the stalls, arranged on the lawn in front of the house, which seemed to have a never-ending supply of commodities for sale. Children brightly clad in their lightest summer frocks and suits found their haven of delight in the croft, where joy rides, pony rides, short rips in a pony drawn trap and the ever-popular Punch and Judy show claimed devoted attention. The Welfare Fund had hoped that after last year’s outstanding result of £540 they would raise £600 by this event, but the success of the gala exceeded expectations, however, and £712 was realised with more money yet to come.
At the opening ceremony Sir Charles L. des Forges C.B.E., Town Clerk of Rotherham, said he was sure that the suggested sum of £600 would be exceeded. He has often heard of the success which had been achieved from year to year by the fete.
Coun. F. Tingle J.P. (chairman of the Fund) who presided, made an earnest appeal to those present to go all out to exceed last year’s effort. Nothing they could do was too much for the men and women in the Forces.
The Vicar of Swinton, the Rev. H. W. Quarrell, moved an omnibus vote of thanks to all who had taken part in the organisation and who were helping the effort in any way. Bouquets were presented to Mrs. Baker and Lady des Forges and sprays and buttonholes to Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Quarrell, Mrs. Weaver and the men on the platform by Barbara Jackson and Jean Woodhead.
A Guard of honour was formed by Swinton Cubs under Mrs. Cobb (Cubmaster.) Loudspeaker equipment was lent by Mr. H. Froggatt. The garden party secretary was Mr. C. A. Currier who had Mr. R. E. Large as his assistant. Capt. G. C. Wright, M.C. D.C.M., was treasurer.