South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 11 April 1942
Mr. and Mrs. S. Callear, of 51, Brookfield Avenue, have been officially informed by the War Office that their son, Pvte. Sidney F. Callear, who was serving in the Far East, is missing.
Before joining up, three years ago, Pte Callear was employed by F. Kemp and Co., slating contractors.
He has two married brothers, Jack and Horace, who were evacuated from Dunkirk, who are at present stationed in this country. His father is an old soldier, having served 12 years with the colours.
From C.W.G.C.:
Service Number: 4615007
Regiment & Unit/Ship
Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment) 2nd Bn.
Date of Death: Died 14 October 1943
Age 28 years old
Buried or commemorated at RANGOON WAR CEMETERY, 6. F. 8., Myanmar